
NWT’s reserve operation incorporates more than 50 nature reserves across Norfolk. The majority of NWT’s reserves are Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), nine are National Nature Reserves and over half boast international conservation designations. A visit to our website at www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk will provide more information on the breadth of work NWT are involved with.

This post will initially focus on gathering (and where necessary interpreting) existing available data identified by the strategy. Where required, creation of methodologies for further specific survey and monitoring of species, habitats and infrastructure would follow and as information is generated by monitoring actions, the post holder will manage, analyse and where necessary interpret the data. The Reserves Monitoring Officer will work closely with the NWT IT team in the subsequent development of a dedicated data management system as information streams are better understood. The post will be approximately 60% desk based and will play a key role through advocacy and effective communication in incorporating volunteers in the delivery of the monitoring strategy.