Podcast | Felix Cybulla | Conservation Standards Trainer

A key to success within conservation is the ability to design high-quality projects to protect species, habitats and sites.

But only a small proportion of professional conservationists are formally trained in the essential skills of project design and management.

With limited time and money available within the sector, it’s no surprise that employers are increasingly looking for staff with project design and management training.

To talk about his and much more is our latest course leader at Conservation Careers Felix Cybulla.

Felix is an independent consultant who has been training teams for over a decade in the world-class approach to project design and management – Conservation Standards.

In this episode we talk about his work as a conservation consultant, and how conservationists could achieve more impact and employability through improved project skills.

He shares what it’s like to work freelancer within the sector, along with providing a powerful example of how fuel-efficient stoves shows that conservation is all about working with people.

If you enjoy this episode and want to learn more about improving your project skills, and to get support from Felix, please check out our course Conservation Project Management & Design.

Enjoy this wide-ranging, adaptively-managing, fuel-stove burning episode.




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Links & Resources

If you enjoy this episode and want to learn more about improving your project skills, and to get support from Felix, please check out our course Conservation Project Management & Design.


Careers Advice, Podcast, Project Manager