Bergstrom Award
- Grants | Research and Projects
Members Only
- Posted
2 years ago
The Association of Field Ornithologists
Bergstrom Award
- Grants | Research and Projects
Members Only
- Posted
2 years ago
The Association of Field Ornithologists
E. Alexander Bergstrom (1919-1973) was Vice-President of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association (now the Association of Field Ornithologists) and the Editor of Bird-Banding (now the Journal of Field Ornithology) for 21 years. These awards honor his memory and dedication to bird research. The purpose of the award is to promote field studies of birds by helping to support a specific research or analysis project. In judging among proposals of equal quality, special consideration will be given to those that:
- focus on avian life history
- use data collected all or in part by non-professionals and/or
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