Smithsonian Mpala Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Grants | Training and Study
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3 years ago
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Mpala Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Grants | Training and Study
Members Only
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- Posted
3 years ago
Smithsonian Institution
The purpose of the Mpala Postdoctoral Fellowship is to promote the study of biology, anthropology, geology, hydrology, material science, social science, soil science or related areas. Projects must be tenable in residence at Mpala Research Centre. Over the past 25 years the Smithsonian Institution has engaged in a robust partnership with Kenya and Kenyan science through its role in the Mpala Research Centre. Central to this has been the on-going support for fellows and fellowships at Mpala. Fellows have worked closely with Smithsonian Institution scientists in developing basic and applied research that has produced high-impact, cutting edge discoveries and led to better conservation, development and research on-the-ground in Kenya and other parts of East Africa.