Top Turtle Conservation Internships
Our planet’s seven species of sea turtle have captured the fascination of conservationists and concerned citizens the world over. In this post, we profile turtle conservation internships and volunteer opportunities around the world where you can help out.
Maybe it’s the story of their against-all-odds journey from egg to open ocean and back, completing one of nature’s most impressive life cycles. Or maybe it’s their graceful movements and ancient, otherworldly presence that captivate us.
But if we’re not careful, we’ll lose the opportunity to marvel at these ancient creatures. Because despite the fact that they’ve been around for millions of years, today sea turtles are up against a whole host of human-induced threats.
Of the seven species of sea turtle – green, hawksbill, loggerhead, leatherback, olive ridley, Kemp’s ridley and flatback – six are listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and two are classified as Critically Endangered.
Despite being protected in most countries, turtles are still hunted around the world. Their eggs, meat and shells are illegally traded and consumed, while their oil is used in cosmetics and leather. There is a particularly high demand for tortoiseshell – the common name for the hawksbill’s carapace.
At the ocean’s surface, turtles are vulnerable to boat strike. Below, they can become entangled in ghost gear (lost, abandoned or discarded fishing gear) that appears like shelter – leading to injury, exhaustion, starvation, dehydration and death.
Many turtles are captured, injured and killed through by-catch, or accidental capture in gill-nets, trawl-nets and longline hooks.
With an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste entering our oceans every year, and somewhere between 93,000 and 236,000 metric tons of microplastic in the ocean, plastic and other marine debris are also a major cause of death.
Ingesting marine debris can cause death by damaging their digestive systems or exposure to chemicals, and turtles often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish prey.
Closer to shore, coastal development – such as sea walls and sandbags – can result in beach erosion, reducing space for nesting turtles or flooding nests.
Artificial lighting on nesting beaches can confuse and disorient female turtles and hatchlings. This can prevent nesting or alter turtles’ navigation and cause them to travel inland instead of out to sea. Meanwhile climate change can alter sand temperatures, affecting the sex of hatchlings.
This WWF infographic sums up the conservation status of sea turtle species and the threats they face.
How you can help? Turtle conservation internships
With turtles facing such a myriad of threats, there is no shortage of reasons to get involved through turtle conservation internships. And with turtles found in all the planet’s oceans except at the poles, the opportunities to help in a hands-on way are diverse, exciting and available year-round.
Sea turtle conservation internships and volunteer programmes are also a popular way to launch – or test-drive – a career in conservation.
If you’re passionate about turtles and marine conservation, the organisations featured in this post could be a great starting point.
Pick the right programme for you and you’ll stand to gain experience and valuable contacts, not to mention an unforgettable – possibly life-changing – experience.
At a glance:
Species: Loggerhead
Location: Bay of Lakonikos, Greece
Focus: Recording nesting activity, protecting turtle nests against predation by mammals and inundation by sea water, environmental education
Programme type: Volunteer
Programme fee? Yes
Based in the beautiful Bay of Lakonikos, you’ll live and work alongside GVI’s team of international volunteers to conserve and protect of one of the most important loggerhead turtle nesting areas in Greece.
As part of the hands-on team, you’ll carry out daily morning surveys to record nesting activity and protect turtle nests against predation by mammals and inundation by sea water. You’ll also provide important conservation information to overseas visitors and the local community.
Protecting nests against predation by mammals and inundation by sea water ensures that as many hatchlings as possible are added to the population each year, while public awareness activities help people adopt friendlier attitudes towards the natural environment and possibly reduce their environmental footprint in the area.
When you’re not busy making a lasting one-off contribution to the preservation of endangered turtles, or watching turtles lay their eggs and the hatchlings head for the sea, you’ll have the chance to experience Greek culture first hand.
Find out how to get involved here.
Interested in working in a different part of the world? GVI offers a range of sea turtle conservation internships and volunteer opportunities, including:
- Seychelles Sea Turtle and Lemon Shark Research & Conservation Internship
- Sea Turtle Conservation and Cultural Immersion Teen Volunteering in Thailand
- Costa Rica Sea Turtle Research & Conservation Internship
- Sea Turtle Conservation Volunteering in Costa Rica
Sea Turtle Conservancy
At a glance:
Species: Loggerhead, leatherback and green turtles
Location: Panama, Costa Rica, Florida
Focus: Research, education, advocacy
Programme type: Volunteer, seasonal field assistantships
Dates: March – November
Benefits: Room and board provided from some seasonal field assistantships
Sea Turtle Conservancy is the world’s oldest sea turtle research and conservation group. For nearly 60 years they have worked to protect and conserve sea turtles and their habitats from extinction through research, education and advocacy.
For Lexie Beach, Sea Turtle Conservancy’s Communication Coordinator, interning and volunteering was key to securing her dream job.
“I volunteered my time and collaborated on several special projects… One of those projects just happened to be Sea Turtle Conservancy’s “Tour de Turtles” event. Little did I know that was my future employer! Moral of the story is that it’s so important to step outside your comfort zone and make connections so you can get your foot in the door of something you’re really passionate about!”
“You can never do too many internships!” adds Lexie. “Also be prepared for those internships to be unpaid!”
“When I was in college I interned at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, the Louisville Zoo, the Indianapolis Zoo, and worked part-time for the local Humane Society. It was through these internship experiences that I realized what career path I wanted to pursue and how I could use my abilities to help animals and educate people.”
Sea Turtle Conservancy offers experiences in Panama, Costa Rica and Florida, as well as seasonal field assistantships. Or, like Lexie, you can check out their Tour de Turtles event.
Sea Turtle Inc.
At a glance:
Species: Kemp’s ridley turtles
Location: South Padre Island, Texas
Focus: Education, rehabilitation and conservation
Programme type: Volunteer, Internships
Dates: March – August
Duration: Minimum 4 shifts per month for minimum 3 months (volunteers)
Benefits: Housing and daily stipend for internships
Sea Turtle Inc. was founded in 1977 to aid in the protection and recovery of the Endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle and has since expanded to include education, rehabilitation and conservation. Their mission is to “rescue and rehabilitate injured sea turtles for release back into the wild, educate the public and assist with conservation efforts for all marine turtle species”.
Sea Turtle Inc. offers both volunteering and internship opportunities.
Their internship is a multi-disciplinary programme that aims to provide interns with experience in public eduction, nest conservation and sea turtle rehabilitation.
Interns must be college graduates in biological sciences, wildlife and fisheries science, environmental science or related fields, or currently in college, and must hold a valid driver’s license and be able to work in the U.S.
Staff member Khrystyne Jamerson interned at Sea Turtle Inc. before being hired as a full-time educator.
“I got my Bachelor’s in Wildlife Biology from Texas State University. Upon graduating, I went on to gain experience with a variety of volunteer opportunities and internships. My first internship after college was here at Sea Turtle, Inc. two years ago.”
“For last two years I have traveled around and continued to gain more sea turtle experience. After many seasonal opportunities and tons of moving around, I got lucky this spring when a position opened up here and they thought I would be a good fit as a staff member.”
Visit Sea Turtle Inc.’s website to learn more about their turtle conservation internships and volunteer opportunities.
You can read more about Khrystyne’s journey from intern to educator in A turtley awesome job: career insight from Sea Turtle Inc.’s Khrystyne Jamerson.
Project Biodiversity
At a glance:
Species: Loggerhead
Location: Sal, Cape Verde
Focus: Track ID, collection of biometric data, microchipping and ID-ing females, nest relocations and excavations, leading volunteers
Programme type: Volunteer, Internships
Dates: July – December
Duration: Minimum 1 week (volunteering)
Programme fee? Yes (volunteering); no (internships)
Benefits: Accommodation and meals in camp (internships)
Based on the island of Sal, Project Biodiversity is a Cabo Verdean organisation committed to conserving and restoring the island’s unique ecosystems. The project implements community-based initiatives that promote conservation and better understanding of the island’s natural resources while increasing economic opportunities for the growing local community.
The presence of volunteers in in the field camp is also an important morale booster for the project as a whole, as they bring a sense of enthusiasm, passion and unique perspectives.
Hatchling Season Volunteers stay overnight in the hatchery, monitoring hundreds of nests and releasing thousands of baby turtles to the ocean. They also patrol the main beaches of Sal Island at sunrise to check the nests that are ready to hatch and to help lost or entangled baby turtles reach the sea.
For those looking to kick start their career in conservation, this could be your chance to gain valuable experience in the third largest nesting site for Loggerheads in the world.
Atoll Volunteers
At a glance:
Species: Hawksbill, Green, Olive Ridley, Loggerhead, Leatherback
Location: Naifaru Island, Maldives
Focus: Turtle husbandry, running the Marine Centre, coral gardening, data collection and community outreach.
Programme type: Volunteering, Internships
Dates: Thursday or Saturday start dates every week
Duration: 2-12 weeks (at least 3 weeks recommended) for volunteers
Programme fee? Yes (volunteering); no (internships)
Benefits: Food and accommodation (internships)
Based at the Atoll Marine Centre, Atoll Volunteers rescues turtles from the illegal pet trade, as well as turtles injured by ghost nets, rehabilitates them and releases them back into the wild.
Perfect for budding conservationists, Atoll Volunteers’ Marine Conservation Volunteer Programme offers volunteers the chance to be an integral part of their team, working with their two resident marine biologists on the day to day running of the Marine Centre and turtle husbandry activities, from cleaning and feeding, to assisting with administrating medical treatment.
Volunteers also have the opportunity to gain experience in coral gardening, conduct reef monitoring surveys on atoll islands and support community outreach activities such as beach cleans and marine awareness sessions – thus having a real impact on marine conservation efforts.
You’ll hone practical conservation skills to enhance your future career prospects, experience the ‘real’ Maldives as part of a tight-knit, friendly community and have a healthy balance of work and play with weekly excursions including snorkelling, visiting uninhabited islands, camping and BBQs.
You’ll receive training in fish/coral species ID and gain first-hand practical experience in international marine conservation with a locally-run NGO.
Why are volunteers needed?
“Our marine programme and projects are extensive, and relies on volunteer support to help us achieve all our conservation aims. Simply put, without volunteers we would not be able to ensure the upkeep and continued operation of Atoll Marine Centre”.
Atoll Volunteers also offers several long-term positions for international applicants including: a Volunteer Coordinator, two Marine Biologists and an Aquarium Biologist. Together they manage the day-to-day running of Atoll Volunteers and Atoll Marine Centre.
“With such a great amount of responsibility, these internships are a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in conservation to enhance a future career, or as a well deserved sabbatical!”
Learn more about Atoll Volunteers’ Marine Conservation Volunteer Programme and internship opportunities.
At a glance:
Species: Green, Hawksbill
Location: Lang Tengah Island, off the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Focus: Monitoring turtle landings and saving their eggs from poachers
Programme type: Volunteering
Dates: Fixed dates from approximately March to October
Duration: 2 weeks, 4 weeks or longer stays
Programme fee? Yes
“20 years ago, [the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia] was a prolific breeding-ground for four species of turtle, now only two remain.”
Egg poaching is common along the coastline and has been largely responsible for the elimination of Leatherback and Olive-Ridley turtles from the region. Lang Tengah Turtle Watch focuses on ensuring that new generations of sea turtles make it out to sea.
This requires a constant presence on the island and regular patrols of nesting beaches by night, relocating any nests that are laid on other beaches back to the safety of Turtle Beach.
“Our patrols are hardly run-of-the-mill, unless you consider fireflies, phosphorescence, copious amounts of shooting stars, distant lightning and ancient creatures hauling themselves out of the sea as ordinary things to encounter”.
Volunteers on Lang Tengah – ‘The Eagle in the Middle’ – act as dedicated guardians to stop the poaching activity on the island. They assist nightly patrols along the beaches in search of nesting mothers, split into shifts between 9pm and 6am. The reward? The (possible) rare privilege of watching a turtle laying eggs or hatchlings journeying to the water’s edge.
Curious to know what life is like as a volunteer on Lang Tengah?
You can also learn more about Lang Tengah Turtle Watch’s commitment to environmental education in this video.
Turtle Foundation
At a glance:
Species: Loggerhead
Location: Boavista Island, Cape Verde
Focus: Patrolling and protecting nesting beaches; community education and involvement
Programme type: Volunteering
Dates: June – October nesting season
Duration: Minimum 2 weeks (Short Term Volunteers); minimum 8 weeks (Long Term Volunteers)
Programme fee? Yes
“Rampant poaching of nesting females threatens the world’s third largest nesting population of loggerhead turtles with extinction”
Sea turtles in Cape Verde are threatened by poaching at sea and on land, as well as coastal tourism development.
After over 1,100 female turtles were slaughtered in 2007 as they came ashore to nest on Boavista Island, the Turtle Foundation established a monitoring presence to reduce turtle mortality.
Each year they reduce the number of sea turtles killed on Boavista through patrols and protection with support from the Cape Verde military and volunteers from around the world.
When not patrolling, the Turtle Foundation focusses on community education and engagement, giving turtle biology/conservation presentations, sponsoring art and educational programmes for school children, organising beach clean-ups, training tour agencies in turtle walks and more.
Want to join their efforts? You can learn about volunteering on Boavista here.
Madagascar Research & Conservation Institute
At a glance:
Species: Hawksbill, Green
Location: Nosy Komba Island, Madagascar
Focus: Identifying and developing Safe Turtle Breeding Zones in North Western Madagascar
Programme type: Volunteering
Dates: Year-round, starting the first Monday of every month; nesting season October to March
Duration: From 2 weeks to 12 weeks
Programme fee? Yes
Madagascar Research & Conservation Institute (MRCI)’s Sea Turtle Monitoring Program was established to identify and develop Safe Turtle Breeding Zones in North Western Madagascar.
They successfully implemented a “Safe Turtle Nesting Zone” on Nosy Komba Island with the support of the local community, which is monitored 24/7 to ensure the safety of turtles and their eggs.
As an MRCI volunteer, you’ll help identify nesting areas by visiting remote beaches on islands surrounding the island of Nosy Be. Trained in species ID and data collection protocols, your main focus will be to collect and record species, nesting and size-related data needed to estimate population dynamics and nesting distributions in North Western Madagascar.
Your home base will be at Turtle Cove, the Madagascar Volunteer research centre located on Nosy Komba island. Turtle Cove overlooks Nosy Be and the world-famous Lokobe Forest Reserve, with easy access to MRCI’s home coral reef, which we had recently declared a Marine Protected Area.
MRCI’s primary goals are to:
- Map and identify beaches used as nesting sites.
- Identify species diversity and numbers.
- Engage and establish a relationship with the local communities enabling us to include them in our conservation efforts.
- Monitor and remove plastic waste and other harmful products from the beaches.
Learn more about MRCI’s Sea Turtle Monitoring Program in this video.
“With the collaborative effort of our volunteers, who play a vitally important role in assisting to achieve our goals, MRCI will continue to strive to protect endangered sea turtle species in their natural habitat as well as to promote public awareness by further collaborating with local communities and national authorities”.
Learn more about volunteering with MRCI’s Sea Turtle Monitoring Program here.
Hawaii Marine Animal Response
At a glance:
Species: Green, Hawksbill
Location: islands of Oahu and Molokai, Hawaii
Focus: Growing active and engaged community support, managing and increasing protected species populations, and saving animals that need help.
Programme type: Volunteering, Internships
Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR) is the largest Hawaii-based non-profit marine species conservation response organisation, with a mission to “undertake substantial actions that result in the preservation, recovery and stewardship of Hawaii’s protected marine species and the ocean ecosystem we share”.
Their team of volunteers, interns and staff cover the islands of Oahu and Molokai, responding to calls involving protected marine species, including sea turtles, to provide shoreline response, stranding assistance, outreach, health management and rescue.
By being present in the field, and holding regular outreach and education activities in schools and at community events, they engage with tens of thousands of people each year to build understanding, stewardship and support for Hawaii’s protected marine species and coastal ecosystem.
HMAR offers volunteer opportunities for people who can commit to a minimum activity level, as well as internships for undergraduates and graduates of marine biology, ecology, ocean sciences or related fields.
Ningaloo Turtle Program
At a glance:
Species: Green, Loggerhead, Hawksbill
Location: Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
Focus: Monitoring nesting beaches for turtle activity
Programme type: Volunteering
Dates: December to January
Developed by the Cape Conservation Group (CCG); the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA); Murdoch University and WWF Australia, the Ningaloo Turtle Program contributes to the conservation of marine turtles and their habitats.
By researching breeding habits and issues such as fox predation, beach access management, turtle tourism and interpretation/education requirements, the NTP helps management, planning and development agencies along the Ningaloo coast make conservation-based decisions.
Every year, volunteer “Turtle Trackers” help record turtle nesting data along the beaches of the North West Cape in Western Australia.
Volunteers start a typical day at 5:30am, spending 4-5 hours collecting data on turtle nesting beaches. The rest of the day is theirs to explore the Ningaloo Coast, enjoy Exmouth township’s laid-back lifestyle, travel inland to some of the spectacular gorges in Cape Range National Park, or join regular volunteer social activities.
Volunteers might also get involved in data entry, remote camping on the Ningaloo Reef and monitoring isolated beaches, and assisting with turtle rescues.
Learn more about life as a Turtle Tracker of Ningaloo in this video.
You can learn more about volunteering as a Turtle Tracker on the NTP website.
Caño Palma Biological Station
At a glance:
Species: Green, Leatherback, Hawksbill
Location: Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Focus: Nighttime beach patrols and data collection
Programme type: Volunteering, Internships
Dates: March to October/November
Duration: Minimum 2 weeks (volunteers); minimum 6 weeks (interns)
Programme fee? Yes (volunteers)
Benefits: Up to room, board and monthly stipend for higher-responsibility internships.
Founded and supported by the Canadian Organization For Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation (COTERC), Caño Palma Station’s mission is to provide leadership in education, research, conservation, and the educated use of natural resources in the tropics.
Every year, volunteers and interns provide the manpower needed to patrol the beach at night, collect data and safeguard nesting turtles. Data collected is shared with local government agencies and other partners all around the world.
Volunteers help complete surveys and increase capacity for patrols, while interns ensure that all aspects of the project are completed to the highest standard and play a greater role in achieving education goals.
Depending on intern applicants’ education, previous experience and length of commitment, internship options include:
- Basic Turtle Internships
- Advanced Turtle Internships
- Head Community/Education Internships
- Basic Community Internship
- Assistant Management Internship
- Head Turtle Internship.
For longer internship stays, the station covers interns’ room and board, and in some cases even provides a monthly stipend.
Interns are eligible for a reference at the end of their stay, and those who excel get first notice or offer on the advanced internships and employment opportunities.
For more information on the specific turtle conservation internship options available, check out their Internships page.
Volunteers have the chance to gain conservation skills while working with trained staff on turtle monitoring surveys, protection community-based conservation programmes.
Both interns and volunteers live and work in the Caño Palma Biological Station in the north-east Caribbean lowland rainforest of Costa Rica. Located in one of the most biodiverse regions of Latin America, the station sits within a network of protected areas, surrounded by a vast and ancient floodplain covered by a mosaic of swamp forests, palm forests, lagoons, mixed hardwoods, canals and coastal ecosystems.
The Leatherback Trust
At a glance:
Species: Leatherback
Location: Playa Grande (Las Baulas National Park) and Playa Cabuyal, Costa Rica
Focus: Beach patrols, data collection, nest monitoring, community outreach
Programme type: Volunteering
Dates: September/October to March (nesting season)
The Leatherback Trust (TLT)’s collaborates with Earthwatch to enable volunteers to participate in conservation activities.
At Playa Grande in Las Baulas National Park, volunteers join TLT’s research team at the Goldring-Gund Station and patrol the beach during leatherback nesting season from October to March, collecting data on nesting turtles and monitoring nests.
Volunteers also have the opportunity to engage in community outreach activities and explore the park’s estuaries, home to crocodiles and monkeys.
Visit TLT’s website to learn more about volunteering at Playa Grande and Playa Cabuyal.
Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program
At a glance:
Species: Loggerhead
Location: Ningaloo, Western Australia (or remote volunteering)
Focus: Research, conservation and education, including monitoring nesting beaches.
Programme type: Volunteering
The Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program collects baseline data on sea turtle nesting activities along the Gnaraloo coastline of Western Australia. Its goal is to identify trends and required management to protect endangered marine species and critical coastal nesting habitat.
The Program focuses on two high density turtle rookeries: the Gnaraloo Bay Rookery and the Gnaraloo Cape Farquhar Rookery.
Together the Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program and the Gnaraloo Feral Animal Control Program target a key threatening process: feral predation of turtle eggs and hatchlings.
The Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program also trains scientific and other professionals and engages the community and schools in conservation activities.