
FFI is offering a paid internship for a three-month period from October to December 2021, based at FFI’s office space in Edinburgh, Scotland. A number of the community-based organisations within the CCN have recently moved into pioneering marine restoration activities, and interest in habitat and species restoration is at an all-time high. Local restoration initiatives offer exciting, locally-demonstrated, visions for specific species and habitats. What is currently less clear is whether there is the scope and ambition to develop a cohesive, nationally-scaled, vision for marine restoration across Scotland’s inshore waters. A holistic vision, with communities at the heart, could help to encourage recovery at scale – and could better support future marine management challenges that local restoration activities might face.


  • Desk-based research into current and planned marine restoration initiatives and visions in Scotland (e.g. Government/public sector, Industry, e-NGOs, community groups, CCN), using publicly available information.
  • Where necessary, arranging calls or meetings with key contacts from relevant organisations to gather information related to (but not limited to) site-based restoration opportunities, the necessary components needed for site-based success, aspirations for a collaborative and shared framework across Scotland which would enable restoration at scale. (These calls/meetings will be either virtual or face-to-face, as per the relevant covid-19 restrictions at the time, and availability/location of the intern).
  • Synthesis of above research into a report including a list of recommendations based on the results and the following questions: 1. If there is a process towards an integrated vision underway, how best to engage in a participatory manner which puts communities at the heart of the vision, or 2. If there is no process underway, what should it look like?
  • Produce a short summary report directed at community-based organisations (Inc. members of the CCN) and a blog article for the CCN website (max. 900 words).
  • If necessary, work with FFI’s communications team to format and design the final report, following FFI’s brand and style guidelines.

Person Specification:

  • Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) and a good writing style, with the ability to summarise technical information for a range of audiences.
  • Excellent research skills and the ability to gather information and synthesise it into a concise format.
  • Strong organisational and time management skills, with a structured and methodical approach to work and a clear focus on outputs.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
  • Experience in conducting desk based research, sifting through information and compiling reports.
  • Good knowledge of the Scottish marine environment and current biodiversity & conservation issues.
  • Some knowledge of the community sector and/or of community-based conservation projects or groups.
  • Experience in developing communication materials.
  • Interest in and empathy with the
  • Entitlement to work in the UK
  • Available for the full three-month internship

How to Apply

Applications, consisting of a cover letter and a CV should be submitted via email to rebecca.plant@fauna-flora.org.
Please mark your application ‘[Your Name] Scotland Marine Restoration Internship’ and indicate where you saw this position advertised. The closing date for applications is Sunday, 26 September 2021. Interviews will be held during the week commencing 4th October 2021. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we anticipate that interviews will be held remotely.