Young Botanist Award | For early career indian botanists
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2 years ago
Indian Botanical Society
Young Botanist Award | For early career indian botanists
- Grants | Research and Projects
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- Posted
2 years ago
Indian Botanical Society
This award was started in 2001 on the advice of Prof. A.K. Koul, Jammu, President of the society in 2000. The medal is given in the name of Dr. Bahadur Singh, Founder Head, Department of Botany, B.R. College, Agra (now R.B.S. College) by his students Dr. S.N. Chaturvedi, Dr.R.L. Paliwal and Prof. S.V.S. Chauhan. The medal is awarded each year to a young botanist below the age of 35 years.
The rules are as follows:
- Life members up to the age of 35 years can participate.
- Selection will be based on a Committee of Judges appointed for the purpose.
- The maximum number of participants should not be more than three.
- If more papers are received, a committee will select best three papers for presentation during the
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