


Education and Qualifications
2014-2015: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation MSc at Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus (68.5% – Merit)

Relevant modules: Biological computing in R; Advanced Topics in Statistics; Biodiversity Assessment and Management; Global Biodiversity Conservation and GIS; Conservation Economics; Ecology and Global Change; Behavioural Ecology; Community Ecology and Conservation; Demography and Management

Short project: Investigating diversity and community composition of bird species under differing levels of forest disturbance in the protected area of North Ifotaka, Madagascar; 78% project grade

Research project: Investigating the evolution and maintenance of polymorphism within the PlcR-PapR quorum sensing system of Bacillus thuringiensis within host Plutella xylostella through in vivo competition bioassays; 70% project grade

Skills acquired: Data analysis (using R); Geographic Information Systems (Q GIS, ArcGIS); Species distribution modelling e.g. MaxEnt; Bioinformatics software e.g. QIIME, BLAST; Laboratory skills e.g. PCR and bioassays; Strong analytical and communication skills; Independent work; Excellent research, report writing and presentation skills
2010-2013: Zoology BSc Hons at Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (1st class degree)

Relevant modules: Biodiversity and Conservation; Conservation Biology Issues; Ecological Modelling; Ecology of Populations and Communities; Experimental Design and Statistics for Biologists; Evolutionary and Population Genetics; Evolution and Behaviour; Residential field course; Scientific Communications

Research project: Investigating caching behaviour and manipulation of plant toxins in the coal tit, Periparus ater; 76% project grade

Ecological modelling project: Development, testing and application (using R) of a model concerning spatial variation in risk of West Nile Virus; 90% project grade

Skills acquired: Species identification skills (Ornithology and Entomology); Experimental design; Data analysis (using SPSS and R); Ecological modelling (using R); Independent work and teamwork; Scientific writing and critical thinking; Basic laboratory skills
2004-2009: Liceo Scientifico Castelnuovo, Florence, Italy (Esame di Stato 82%)

Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Italian, English, History, Philosophy, Latin, History of Art
Work Experience
Feb-June 2014 (internship) Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, India

I designed and wrote a guidebook to the biodiversity of the Alappuzha backwaters as an aid for students to be aware and think about the biodiversity that surrounds them. I helped organise and lead workshops on conservation and sustainable development

Skills acquired: Teaching and presentation skills; Design and publishing skills (Publisher)
Oct-Dec 2013 (expedition) Tampolo littoral forest, North-East Madagascar

Alongside a team of 5, I planned, organised and obtained funding to carry out a research expedition investigating the abundance and distribution of the nocturnal lemur species within Tampolo littoral forest, whilst identifying the species of ecological importance for the lemurs. We also investigated the perception and use of the forest by the villages to understand what degree of threat practices such as illegal logging and slash and burn represent for the survival of the forest ecosystem

Skills acquired: Distance sampling methods (Line transect surveys); Tropical fieldwork experience; Data analysis (using Distance and R); Social survey design; Teamwork; Grant application experience; Published research in Lemur News in January 2015
2013 (part-time) Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

As a student ambassador I led groups of both students and adults around campus, answering questions and initiating conversation topics

Skills acquired: Social and communication skills
2011-2012 (volunteering) Great North Museum, Hancock, Newcastle, UK

Inputted data from ecological surveys around the North-East of England and mapped species distributions

Skills acquired: GIS (ArcGIS); Attention to detail and organisational skills; Species Identification skills
2012 June (volunteering) CRiMM, Centre for Research on Marine Mammals (NGO), Sardinia, Italy

Assisted research on the patterns of distribution of the Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, recording and inputting sightings into the organisation’s database. I helped plan educational workshops for children increasing awareness for conservation

Skills acquired: Teaching and communication skills; Active research
2011-2012 (volunteering) Washington Wetland Centre, Washington, UK

Conducted bird surveys at different times of year.

Skills acquired: Observational skills and bird identification skills; Bird sampling and recording methodologies
Skills and achievements
David Carver Prize for outstanding achievements in Stage 2 at Newcastle University

Selected by project supervisor to enter the 2013 SET awards for undergraduate dissertation projects

Shortlisted for the Environmental champions award from Newcastle University Ncl+

Awarded £4500 for research expedition to Madagascar from Newcastle University Alumni Association, the Royal Geographical Society of London (RGS), Gilchrist Educational Trust, Altyerre Training and Scientific Exploration Society (SES)

Roles: Activities Rep and head of photography society during Masters degree at Silwood Park

Language: Mother tongue English and Italian

I.T. Advanced:  Mac and Windows computer systems; Intermediate: R and SPSS statistical packages; ArcGIS and Q GIS mapping software; Basic: Distance computer package

Full, clean car drivers license: Since 2009, issued in Italy