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Groundfish Data Interpretation and Analysis Support
- Jobs | Senior
Members Only
- Seattle, USA
- Posted
2 years ago
OAI Consulting
Groundfish Data Interpretation and Analysis Support
- Jobs | Senior
Members Only
- Seattle, USA
- Posted
2 years ago
OAI Consulting
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) Conservation Biology (CB) Division conducts science to support the conservation of marine species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. Effective conservation requires understanding how human and natural factors influence the viability of marine species and their ecosystems. To meet this challenge, the Division has assembled a group of scientists from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, including statistics, genetics, ecology, economics, anthropology, and population biology. Together, they are dedicated to providing science to address critical conservationWant to find out more about this job? Join our Conservation Careers Academy to view the full details of this course, along with over 15,000 conservation jobs, courses, internships and volunteer placements each year globally, along with many other career-boosting benefits!