
  • Designed by the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences, Austria, together with the internationally renowned E.C.O. Institute of Ecology
  • Delivered by leading international researchers and practitioners in the field of nature conservation
  • Offers excellent worldwide career opportunities
  • Grants participants access to a worldwide-operating network of partners
  • Comprises modules targeting research as well as practical conservation skills
  • Only 3 weeks of presence per semester, held in different venues, for instance in seminar facilities of different parks and conservation areas in Central Europe
  • Conducted part-time and remote, thus allowing training with an upright employment in your country of residence

This Masters programme is taught at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences in Austria by internationally renowned conservation experts. They represent different backgrounds, ranging from theoretical (science) to practical knowledge (park managers, consultants, international organizations).

Innovative teaching and training formats support the development of relevant competencies. Interactive settings give way to peer-to-peer learning and allow for individual interaction with trainers and lecturers. An international advisory board supports the programme in terms of quality control and gives access to most recent research, technologies and trends.

Collaborating organisations include: IUCN/WCPA, the Ramsar Convention, the Europarc Federation, the ALPARC Network, Hohe Tauern National Park, the KfW German Development Bank, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the OFB _ French Biodiversity Agency, the FAOSEC (FAO) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.

Graduates of this programme work as managers of conservation areas, national parks, biosphere reserves or world heritage sites. They develop and support community-managed sites and indigenous protected areas or shape the future of international organisations. Graduates may also work in the consulting, planning and scientific sector.


Next course start: September 2024

Applications are already possible! Learn more and apply here