
PhD candidate: MSc in biology or related field, preferably bioinformatics / MSc candidate: a BSc (hons) in biology or related field, preferably bioinformatics or molecular biology

The candidate will be working with a team of researchers attached to Malayan Rainforest Station, and will be studying the diet and behaviour of cave nectar bats. Candidate will be using next generation sequencing to elucidate the diet of nectar bats for a whole calendar year and verifying this with pollen analysis.

To secure the position, candidate is required to secure a postgraduate offer letter and register in February 2020. This requires a research proposal together with the CPS application form submitted to the postgraduate office. The fee structure is also attached for reference. See forms below.
There are scholarships available via the Ministry of Education https://biasiswa.moe.gov.my/INTER/ and my institution (Zamalah UMK, form attached) that candidates may apply, but it is very competitive.
Candidates who have secured their scholarship are the top priority.
I also have some funding for a graduate research assistant position: a) PhD candidate – RM 1500 per month, 3 year duration; and b) RM 1000 for MSc candidate 2 year duration.
Please contact me if you have further enquiries about this position. Thanks.