
Achieved Certificate of Higher Education in Zoo Management at University of Chester and Reasehath College
Topics covered;
• Zoos and conservation
• Animal health, Behaviour and nutrition
• Animal handling and enrichment

I am currently working in the retail industry for The Co-op.
I have many interests outside of work/education, the most significant of which are as follows:

Wildlife Photography – As a self-taught photographer I enjoy, getting out and about in my local nature reserve. It keeps me active, It also helps me to identify and learn about any creatures I come across.

Baking – I was taught baking by my wonderful Nan, My interest for it grew from there. I now just bake for charity to help raise valuable funds.

Allotment- I currently own an allotment with my sister. We love going there, enjoying the peace and quiet. There is a big misconception about owning an allotment; a lot of people believe it’s a hobby for pensioners. I would like to change people’s mind on this as there is a lot of benefits to owning allotment. Owning an allotment keeps you active, the rewards are the veg you get to harvest and there is nothing like the taste of fresh veg.

Pet care- I currently own a tortoise and an aquarium. I am constantly learning knew interesting facts about them both.

My hobbies and work keeps me motivated. Also shows I am a kind and caring young lady who’s not afraid of a bit of hard work despite the weather.

I am currently looking for work within the Wildlife/pet care industry. If you have an opportunity that I may be interested in Please feel free to contact me.