
Volunteers welcome on the Wolf Population Research Project in Puszcza Swietokrzyska Forest in Poland, May-June 2024. You have an opportunity to support the work of the top Polish scientific body – Polish Academy of Sciences.

On this niche and very rewarding project we will be installing camera traps to estimate the density and abundance of Wolves and their potential prey, applying the Distance Sampling method. Your work will be complemented by intensive, certified hands-on course focused on professional usage of camera traps in the wildlife research, conservation and management.

What will I do? We will set up a network of camera traps in the field – in order to do it, you will have to walk to the selected points in the forest, choose a suitable tree, install the trap and calibrate it. You will measure the distance from the trap to the orientation spots, record it and mark the final location on GPS.

IT IS ESSENTIAL TO BE FIT. We will often walk through a challenging, swampy areas without any paths, carrying the equipment.

Who are you looking for? It’s an exciting international experience for Conservation Professionals, Students and Nature Lovers, but we welcome persons from all walks of life. The tasks will be tailored to your individual needs and high-quality field training is provided.

Where will I stay? In one of the most stunning forests of Poland, near a well-known Swietokrzyski National Park! However, be aware that because of its untouched nature, the terrain is quite demanding. Days in the field can be exhausting with transects going through flooded forests, streams and dense vegetation.

To apply: send an email to Joanna at info@wildareas.net and introduce yourself in a few words, explaining why you are interested in the Project and why we should choose YOU as a Participant. You will receive a detailed Information Pack including available dates and the Application Form.

To learn more, visit our project website www.wildareas.net and Facebook: www.facebook.com/wildareas

Thank you for your interest in our work and see you soon on the camp!