How do you become a conservation officer?

Alex is Senior Conservation Officer for BirdWatch Ireland – a voluntary conservation organisation in the Republic of Ireland, devoted to the conservation and protection of its wild birds and their habitats. It was formerly known as the Irish Wildbird Conservancy. WHY DO YOU HAVE A CONSERVATION JOB? Initially, because I loved being outdoors watching, recording and

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How do you become a nature reserve officer?

Jenny MacKay is Reserves Officer for The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. The Trust manages 128 nature reserves (covering 2,400 hectares of land) for the benefit of people and wildlife in the UK. It also works to make these wildlife havens bigger, better and more joined-up – vital to help wildlife to adapt to a

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What’s it like to work in Conservation Filmmaking and Photography?

Being a naturalist, broadcaster and wildlife detective with Ed Drewitt Ed Drewitt is a naturalist, author, broadcaster, tour leader, birder, photographer, public speaker, bird ringer, zoologist, diver, feather expert, and Peregrin researcher. Here Ed kindly shares his conservation careers advice… Why do you work in conservation? I´ve always been interested in wildlife, particularly birds, since I was

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What’s it like to work in Conservation Leadership?

What’s involved in being a conservation director for Fauna and Flora International? Paul Hotham has over 25 years of conservation experience including work in the UK National Parks and voluntary sector and international conservation NGOs. His MSc thesis was undertaken in the Amboseli and Kilimanjaro National Parks on transboundary cooperation between protected areas. Paul has

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How to get a job in conservation?

Top ten tips for getting a job in conservation So you want to work in conservation? Great! With wildlife in crisis all around the world and numbers of threatened species at an all-time high, the natural world needs your help. The good news is there are a growing number of jobs available in conservation – it’s become a professional industry

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How to become a Conservation Volunteer? Part One

If you want to be a conservation volunteer, there are many different types of experiences available for budding nature enthusiasts. Conservation Careers Blogger Sarashka King reveals some of the main types of voluntary work available in this first in a three-part topic… Join your Local Group Local groups are usually run by volunteers and can involve taking part in

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How to become a Conservation Volunteer? Part Two

If you want to be a conservation volunteer, there are many different types of experiences available for budding nature enthusiasts. Conservation Careers Blogger Sarashka King reveals some of the main types of voluntary work available in this second in a three-part topic… Residential/working holiday This is a good opportunity to have a holiday where you are trying something new or

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How to become a Conservation Volunteer? Part Three

If you want to be a conservation volunteer, there are many different types of experiences available for budding nature enthusiasts. Conservation Careers Blogger Sarashka King reveals some of the main types of voluntary work available… Fundraising/ events Sarashka King at local Wildlife Trust stand helping to recruit members at the Cambridge Botanical Gardens Festival of Plants 2014, credit to

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How to Volunteer in Conservation?

Top tips on how to gain the right internship for you If you’re looking for an internship or work placement in conservation to gain some valuable experience, Conservation Careers Blogger Erin Williams has some top tips just for you… Don’t pigeon-hole yourself Many people have a favourite species that they wish to work with and

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