Conserving Lions through Evidence-Based Conservation and Local Rights: An Interview with Amy Dickman

Professor Amy Dickman is a conservation biologist at the University of Oxford who was recently appointed as the new Director of the University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU). Amy has a particular interest in resolving conflict between humans and large carnivores, and has spent many years working alongside communities in Africa to consider solutions which

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How to become an ecologist

Are you intrigued by how living things interact with each other and their environment? Would you like to study these interactions at the level of individual beings, groups or ecosystems? Find out how to become an ecologist and start your wild career! As an ecologist, you could help advance conservation biology; manage natural resources through

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Podcast | Restoring life on Earth | Andrew Cottam

We know that carbon in the atmosphere is increasing at an unsustainable rate, and that half of all native tress on earth have been felled.   This is having impacts on our lives, and on wildlife globally.   Recent studies have also shown that we have nearly a billion hectares of land suitable for ecosystem restoration.   That’s space for one TRILLION trees capturing around 30% of the excess carbon in

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A biologist dives deep into Canada’s salmon-bearing watersheds

Misty MacDuffee is a biologist and program director with the Wild Salmon Program of British Columbia, Canada’s Raincoast Conservation Foundation. She focuses on fisheries ecology in salmon ecosystems; for the past 15 years she has led diverse studies examining the salmon of the BC coast, including field, lab, technical, and conservation evaluation. With the knowledge

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Habitat Creation with Robbie Hawkins

Do you like the sound of creating new habitats, leaving a positive legacy of nature behind you? That is soon to be the reality of working as an ecological consultant, as the upcoming Environment Bill will make it a legal requirement for new construction developments to have a positive impact – a ‘net gain’ –

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Marine conservation job application tips and tricks from The Reef-World Foundation

Does this sound familiar? You’re struggling to break into the notoriously competitive conservation sector, yet you can’t get ANY feedback from employers to learn how to improve your job applications? Lack of feedback from conservation employers is one of the biggest challenges and frustrations conservationists face when applying for conservation jobs. “Often I have all

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Podcast | Dr Hugh Safford | Forest Fires & Conservation

As conservationists, one thing we’ve seen a lot of on the news in recent years is forest fires. Huge blazes in Australia, California, the Amazon razing forests to the ground and decimating wildlife unlucky enough to be in its path. Today we’re speaking with someone who works on the front line as an expert on fires and forest ecology within California. Dr Hugh Safford is

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Advising the president and engaging local communities: An interview with Adjany Costa

Ethno-conservationist and marine biologist Adjany Costa never expected to be in a political position, but she can now impressively introduce herself as Adviser to the President of Angola for Environmental Affairs and, in her previous position, the youngest Minister in Angolan history. We discussed her job responsibilities, motives for working in conservation and work with local communities. What steps did you take to get to

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Career tips for working in wildlife management and rehabilitation | An interview with Angela D’Alessio, Operations Director at MalaysianWildlife

Do you feel empathy and compassion for animals and want to help? Would you like to find out what a career in wildlife management and rehabilitation is really like, and how to take care of yourself while caring for wildlife? Get first-hand insights from Angela D’Alessio, Operations Director at MalaysianWildlife, an organisation on a mission

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Join the green recovery!

What does your career look like post-COVID crisis? Have you spent some time during the past 15 months reflecting on your work, and wondering what your legacy might be when you look back on your career? Check out our Live Q&A, where we talk about how we can help you join the green recovery, and

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Podcast: James Bartram | President of IUCN Canada

What would have happened if we’d started engaging young people in the conservation movement much earlier? Would we be seeing more action, impact and progress within the sector now as a result?  And how can we address diversity and inclusion issues, in a sector that traditionally has been dominated by white men from relatively affluent backgrounds?  These are some of the

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