The corporate side of conservation

Often, we see the blame for global warming or ecosystem destruction being placed onto large companies and corporations, governments or even entire countries. So, if they are the largest issue, who is addressing them to create fundamental change? Is it the activists who protest in the streets? Maybe. But Consultant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data

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Where the environment meets economics: An interview with Jetske Bouma

Jetske Bouma is a Dutch environmental economist working for PBL, the Environmental Assessment Agency the Netherlands (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving). With over twenty years of experience in research and policy evaluation in this field, Jetske has worked internationally on important environmental economic projects from Costa Rica to India. As a teenager wanting to make a

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Podcast | Long-term solutions for people and wildlife | Anna Hixson (Institute for Ecological Civilization)

How can we tackle some of the biggest challenges facing us as a global society, for the betterment of people and wildlife? Can we rebuild and transform economic systems in favour of human and ecological wellbeing, and what does the future look like for protected areas? This forms part of the energetic discussion with today’s

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Podcast | Restoring life on Earth | Andrew Cottam

We know that carbon in the atmosphere is increasing at an unsustainable rate, and that half of all native tress on earth have been felled.   This is having impacts on our lives, and on wildlife globally.   Recent studies have also shown that we have nearly a billion hectares of land suitable for ecosystem restoration.   That’s space for one TRILLION trees capturing around 30% of the excess carbon in

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Habitat Creation with Robbie Hawkins

Do you like the sound of creating new habitats, leaving a positive legacy of nature behind you? That is soon to be the reality of working as an ecological consultant, as the upcoming Environment Bill will make it a legal requirement for new construction developments to have a positive impact – a ‘net gain’ –

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Join the green recovery!

What does your career look like post-COVID crisis? Have you spent some time during the past 15 months reflecting on your work, and wondering what your legacy might be when you look back on your career? Check out our Live Q&A, where we talk about how we can help you join the green recovery, and

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Conservation Career Kick-Starter | Student Pilot Programme

Are you a student who needs help kick-starting your career in conservation? Or a course or program leader who wants to give your students a jump-start navigating the conservation sector, fast-tracking their job search and finding fulfilling, impactful careers? Entering the conservation sector can be competitive, and sometimes even the most talented graduates struggle to find their

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Podcast: Professor David Hill CBE | The Environment Bank

Today we’re talking to a hugely inspiring figure within the UK ecology scene, who enjoys disrupting the market, and doing things differently.  Professor David Hill CBE is chairman and founding owner of The Environment Bank which he set up because of his concerns at the way wildlife was being treated within the planning and development sector.  In this episode we cover a lot

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Turning Science into Action and Crafting a Career that Works for You

An Interview with Dr Stuart Butchart, Chief Scientist at BirdLife International In this conversation with Dr Stuart Butchart, Chief Scientist at BirdLife International, we talk about his fascinating career driving forward the conservation of birds and their habitats. Dr Butchart shares a wealth of advice for other conservationists with disabilities, and for anyone wishing to

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Podcast | Applying for Conservation Jobs

In this episode we’re delving deeper into the world of applying for jobs in the conservation sector. Joining our host Dr Nick Askew is Dr Fernando Mateos-González of Bioblogía – or Nando he’s often known and Dr Stephanie Schuttler from the world of Fancy Scientist.   During this second of a new pilot format of the podcast the conservation career super-team talk about their

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Podcast: Jordan Flagel | TREE

How do you go from being an athlete playing on varsity football and basketball teams in Canada and Europe to setting up your own ecotourism operation, which helps to conserve wildlife in both Guyana and Belize? That’s the journey that our guest today, Jordan Flagel, has been on in his career so far. Jordan is

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